Monday, September 16, 2013

Lost Time Part 13 FINAL

Summery: Sometimes fate isn’t fair.
Note I fixed the earlier chapters up and they are also now on my tumblr

It took a few days, but things returned to normal. It was as if Kohaku’s decent into the dream world never happened. At least, those two didn’t press him for details on why he slept for so long. He was glad for that.

“Shion, since we’re in town for one more day, let’s go to the seaside carnival,” N said. He sounded like an excited child.

“Kohaku, will you be fine on your own while we go out?” Shion asked as she gathered the dishes.

 Kohaku smiled. “Yeah, Sis. Don’t worry about me. You two have fun.”
Shion grabbed N’s hand and smiled, pulling him slightly as they walked together down the beach. “Oh look, N! They have a Farris Wheel! Let’s go on it!”

Well, a ride like that would be as good a time as any.  N fumbled his hand in his pocket. Good it was still there.  “I… I have a present for you. I, um, made it myself. I hope you like it.”

Shion waited and eyed the object in his hand, her eyes widened. “Oh wow, what a pretty ring! You made this?”

 N beamed. “You really like it? The red gem is the core of a Staryu. Don’t worry! It wasn’t alive when I took it out!”

“That’s good. I’m glad. Why are you giving this to me? You already gave me a present for our anniversary, remember?”

 He looked at the floor for a moment before looking her in the eyes. “This is different. Shion, I was wondering if maybe… you would…  I mean, Shion, would you marry me?”

She all but tacked him into the seat on the side. It caused the cart to rock slightly. “I will! I will! I will! Of course I will!”

N sighed, putting his arms around her. “Thank goodness.”

“Were you afraid I’d say no?”

“No, but… that was really scary!”

 She smiled. “So, I have another question! Will you tell me what that N in your name stands for now?”

“I suppose so.” He whispered it in her ear.

Really?” she asked.

“Really,” he sighed.

“Hmmm, can I call you Nat, then?”

“Nat?” he repeated. His ears flushed. “I guess that’s acceptable. Listen, there’s something I have to do before we can get married.”

“It’s about Ghetsis, isn’t it?” she asked as she leaned into his chest.

 N looked surprised. “How did you know? Did Plasma contact you as well?”

“I just… had a feeling you wanted to go after him. His escape made the news after all. I saw it when I went shopping this morning. Then I got a call from Aoi. You remember him, right? The nice cop from Kanto?”

“Yes, I remember him.”

“I can’t go with you, can I?”

“This is between us as a family. I don’t want to involve you if I don’t have to. I don’t want to see him kill you again.”Shion puffed out her cheeks in frustration. N laughed a little bit. “You look like a Jigglypuff when you do that. Shion, will you look after my pokemon for me while I’m gone? I tried to release them, but after seeing their sad faces, I didn’t have the heart to go through with it, but I think… no, I know they’ll be happy with you. They love you just as much as I do and I know you’ll take good care of them while I’m gone.”

She looked shocked. “You’re not taking them with you, either? But I know they’d protect you!”

 N nodded. “If I do find my father, I don’t want to settle things with a pokemon battle. I want to settle this with words, my own words. Reshiram should be the only one I’ll need. I want to believe in my ideals.”

Shion smiled warmly. “I’m proud of you, Nat. You’ve really grown as a person. I’m sure your daddy will be surprised when he sees you.”

“I’m so sorry, Shion, but I feel this is best thing I can do for you.”

She smiled again, like she was trying to hold something back. “It’s okay, really! I’ll have your pokemon with me as well as my own, so I won’t be lonely! I’m sure Kohaku will stay with me, and I’ll keep performing, too! So I’ll… be okay even if you’re not actually here with me.” She gripped tighter to his jacket.

“Thank you for understanding, my princess. You don’t have to be brave for my sake.”

“I understand it, but it’s still not fair! Promise me you’ll be safe, okay?  You have to come back to me! Pinky promise it!”

“I solemnly swear that I will return to you unharmed. In exchange, you can’t do anything to endanger your life, understand? No being reckless while I’m away.”


“And try not to skip your nap time just because I’m not there to remind you. Don’t pass on eating your vegetables either.”

“Alright, alright, I’ll be a good girl while you’re gone, I promise.” She paused for a moment, a thought crossing her mind. “Hey, um, Nat?”

“What is it?”

She shook her head. “Oh, never mind! It doesn’t really matter. So when are you leaving? Will you stay for breakfast?”

“I’m going to leave tonight, Shion. After your bedtime.”

“No fair! I don’t even get to see you off? I guess it would be hard to say goodbye if I did.” She put the ring on her finger. “Well then, from now until bedtime, our hands are like Magnemites,” she gripped his hand tightly. “Bzzt. It can’t be undone!”

“But a short distance apart is okay? One of us will have to buy food.”

“Yeah, but we always have to come back.”

“Fair enough.” He poked her forehead. “Bzzt.”

She laughed and hugged his arm as they got off the Farris Wheel. “I want to play some of the games while we’re here! Oh look! They have those puzzle cubes that you as prizes today. Do you want one?”

He didn’t say anything, but she could tell by his face that he did. “Shion, the odds of you winning are slim. They rig them against you.”

“I want to try anyway. I want to win you the thing you like!”

“Shion, it doesn’t really….”

“Look! Look! I got one! I’m lucky, remember?” she proudly displayed the puzzle cube. “Here Nat, for you!”

“Thank you. I’ll keep it with me while I’m away. What do you say we go somewhere nice to eat tonight? I’ll treat you.”

Kohaku turned as he heard the door to the beach house open. He saw N carrying Shion on his back as he entered. “Looks like you two had fun.”

“We did. I think it worn her out.” He placed her on the couch, but sat beside her, their hands connected. “Kohaku, I’m going to be leaving Shion for a little bit. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.”
“Are you breaking up with her?” he asked in shock.

“No! It’s just… I have something I need to do and I don’t want her to get hurt because of it. Please, take care of her for me. I’m sorry if… I got in the way.”

“It’s okay, I was mad at myself more than anything and I was stupid and took it out on you because you were there for her in my place when I should have been. She’s going to be upset when she wakes up, isn’t she?”

“Yeah, probably. She wasn’t happy when I said I was leaving.”

Kohaku noticed the ring on Shion’s finger, but he said nothing. “N?”


“Be careful, okay?”

“I will.” He leaned forward and kissed Shion on the forehead. “Please be safe, my love. Goodbye.”

Kohaku watched their hands disconnect, Shion’s hand fell to her side. N edged his hat over his eyes as he walked out the doorway.

“Later, Kohaku.”

“Later, N,” was all Kohaku could think to say.


Maryellen Taylor Amie

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