Saturday, September 28, 2013

Skarmory the Secret & Unofficial Legendary Bird

Hi pkmncollectors,

I have always believed this ever since Skarmory was introduced in Gen 2.

I still believe the metal winged steel type Skarmory is a Legendary Pokemon.
There a couple things that make me believe this.

One being this picture of Lugia, Ho oh, & Skarmory flying together. The picture was a part of 3 Pokemon cards from Neo Revelations.

Coincidence, I think not :\


Also, there is the fact that Skarmory has no evolutions. A qualification to be a Legendary Pokemon.
But one of the arguements against this is one could say that Skarmory is not a genderless species.

Which is true. But then again I have read that Lugia have been seen with their offspring. But there is no proof of that in the anime or the games..

I think the reason Skarmory was not introduced as a Legendary was because the creators could not find a good way to create a story for it for the anime.

Also, for Gen 2 the focus was definitely on Lugia & Ho oh and don't forget the Legendary beasts, Entei, Raikou, & Suicune.. So maybe at the time they just did not have the time or space to introduce Skarmory as a Legendary.

And with 3 different game versions for Gen 2 Silver, Gold, & Crystal. I don't think they wanted to do a 4th.

Since then with Gen 6 coming Skarmory may have been forgotten or Pokemon just does not want to create a new story for it.

I would love to hear what other pkmncollectors think.

Maybe I have convinced you too ?

Let me know




Stella Chester Bev

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