Saturday, September 14, 2013

Crazy Comic Book Caption: Batman, Robin and Joker

There's two things we've noticed on the internet. People are either angry about something or they think they're pretty dang funny. Because we want to focus on the funny, let's have some fun and see just how funny you all can be.

This is something we've done long ago. We may do this more frequently, perhaps even weekly, in order to lighten up the mood everywhere. Your challenge is, try to make everyone laugh. Or maybe not even just laugh, let's see you impress us with your creativity. This isn't a contest. It's for fun.

Now this might be a little more challenging since there's three captions. Let's see what you've got in you. If you all enjoy this, we may do them more often. Perhaps even add the occasional contest winnings to some.


Deloras Marg Arianne

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