Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Comic Book Question of the Week: Treatment of Female Characters

The treatment of women in comics has come a long way. If you've read any Silver or Golden Age comics, you'll likely come across some scenes and dialogue that are pretty far out there and pretty wrong. While things have gotten a lot better and we are seeing more and more female readers enjoying mainstream comics, for ever two step forwards, the industry occasionally takes a step back.

This was something that was brought up on Twitter over the weekend (using the hashtag #ComicWomen). There are those that strongly feel some publishers are doing it right or simply doing it better. The question is, which publisher do you think is handling the portrayal of women the best. Try to consider all their characters.


The poll will remain open until Thursday morning (ET). Once the poll is locked, a new article will hit the homepage with the results and more. And, if you want to go the extra mile, go ahead and share with the community some "must read" stories for the character who earned your love. That'll allow other people to potentially check 'em out and see why you dig the character so much.


Rudolph Cassi Conchita

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