Monday, October 7, 2013

TWO FICS: Smirk and King for a Day

Title: Smirk
Genre: Humor/General/minor Romance
Rating: K+ to T
Warnings: none
Notes: Blue is the girl. Not the guy. Based off of the kid!Giovanni pictures by superdiduper at tumblr. Rating is pretty much dependent on how you see it. I see it as K+, but one of my friends saw it as T because of the minor swearing, so it's up to you!
Summary: Giovanni gets turned into a teenager. Red isn't sure how to deal with it. Especially if the ma- teenager keeps smirking at him like that. Minor AscendancyShipping. Teenage confusion (thank you Red) and Giovanni being Giovanni.


Title: King for a Day
Genre: General
Rating: K+ to T (not entirely sure...)
Warnings: none
Notes: Some elements from FRLG were used for this, which is pretty much the Sevii Islands, but it's just mentioned. The fic is more so focused on Red and post-Kanto League championship.
Summary: Back in Kanto, he?s a king. Here, on Mt. Silver, he?s just a pokemon trainer with a red hat, his team, and a fulfilled dream.



Glen Stella Chester

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