Friday, October 11, 2013

Trouble Trio Part 3

Title: The Boy in the Room
Warnings: none
Summery:In which Aki checks out G's son.
Note: This and the other arcs are at [info]ginspokefic
Next up: is another chapter in "Lost Time." I did not expect this chapter to take this long to write.

The Boy in the Room

His task had been completed. Akio carried the unconscious Eevee in his arms. He had not expected this outcome. His target had been a human girl. Her transformation had not been induced by anything Team Rocket had done. She just, got swallowed by a strange white light and transformed into this shape. But a target was a target. He’d hit a small snag when he was chased by the scary boy with red eyes, but Tori and Nia had backed him up, challenging the boy to a fight neither of them could win, but they distracted him long enough to allow Aki to run away with the prize. Just what was his father planning to do with her? For now, he’d leave her with the other captured pokemon in the lab.

On his way back, Aki passed by the room that belonged to G’s son. Gently, he knocked on the door.

“Who is there?” a small voice asked.

“My name is Akio,” he said into the darkness. “I am the son of the boss of the Rocket gang. I’d like to speak with you, if you have the time.”

G’s son opened the door and stepped into the light. When their eyes met, he smiled. “Ah, Father mentioned them! I didn’t know the boss had a son around my age! How do you do? My name is Natural.”

“Natural?” Aki asked.

 The boy looked confused. “You know, like the number or in nature?”

“Ah, yes, but I’ve never heard it used as a name before.”

“Oh… Just call me N then.”

“Okay. You can call me Aki, all my friends do.”

“Friends?” N asked gently. “Do you… want to come in? I made some tea.”

Aki shrugged. “Sure. I like tea.”

The boy’s room was full of interesting things, model planes hung from the ceiling and toy trains were scattered on the floor. Somehow it felt oppressive and cramped. He watched as the boy amused himself by playing with a toy train. This child didn’t seem like anything special.

“Tell me, N, can you really hear the voices of pokemon?” Aki asked.

“Yes. Can’t you?” N said without looking up from his train.


N closed his eyes. “I see. You closed your heart off at an early age.”

 Aki drew back a bit. “You would too, if you had my father,” he muttered.

 N smiled and pulled out a chair for Aki. “I love my father! He gave me this room!”

 Aki sat down and took a cup of tea. He blew on it before he sipped. “Have you… ever been anywhere else?”

 N shook his head. “No. father says I could get used if I leave. So I let you in here instead where I could watch you.”

“And what have you determined?” Aki asked.


“So this is where you’ve been hiding. Lord, Akio. Your father is calling you,” G said. His tall frame blocked the open door way. “Natural, I did not say you could let anyone into your room.”

“Ah, forgive me father. I was trying to forge an alliance. Aki, Will you come to play again?” N whispered in his ear.

“Sure N. I’ll sneak in if I have to.”

N grinned.

“Later, old man,” Aki said as he walked out the door.

Next time they met, Aki would take N outside. He needed to see more of the world than that little room.


Siobhan Lasonya Maya

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