Saturday, October 5, 2013


Hi. I'm new here and wanting some advice. I've just gotten a 3dsxl and my husband is a complete Pokemon nutter but gets bogged down explaining it to me.
Is there a good place I can start playing? I've tried other sites and they seem to contradict themselves, I'm not too fussed if its not THE BEST ONE EVVVAAA, just somewhere to start so I can understand it all myself, and gradually make my way thru all the games?

If someone would help, guide me a bit. I would be very appreciative.

*edit* Thanks everyone for helping me so much and not having a go at me for wanting to play something that I don't really know much about. When I went to EB games they were very dismissive because I didn't know where to start and told me to try playing 'Nintendogs' first!!
So basically, I am very grateful for everyone not makin me feel stupid for asking.


Arianne Pamela Wai

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